Company Culture
Microserve prides itself on its relaxed and friendly company culture. The Company encourages a climate of individual growth, career opportunities and training across a variety of skills. We believe people who enjoy what they do, do it well.
Our Values
Our values are not optional extras, nor are they a distraction from our real jobs. They are vital in securing and keeping trust, creating a respected, sustainable, profitable company with strong relationships – for the long-term. Sustainably delivering excellence to our customers
Exceeding the expectations of our clients and others we work with
Believing in People
Never compromising on safety
Acting with integrity.
Thinking sustainably for the long term
Investing in training and development.
Protecting and supporting employees and any one working with us or affected by our activities.
Being reliable, trustworthy and fair in all we do.
Passionate about success
Promoting teamwork and the sharing of knowledge and best practice.
Committed to continuous improvement.
Showing respect.
Committed to delivering on our promises.